Brygger: Jesper Horde
Plassering: XX. plass i klasse YY

Type: 12B Belgisk frukt lambic
OG: 1,043
FG: 1,003
Mengde vørter: 25,0l
Mengde ferdig øl: 25,0l
Alkoholstyrke: 5,34%
Beregnet IBU: 15,0
Beregnet farge: 23 EBC

[B]Gjærbare ingredienser[/B]
Norwegian Pale malt (Stor-Galaas)
Norwegian Wallonia Farmhouse malt (Bonsak)
Dutch Cara malt 120 (Gulpener)
Axa 4Korn (flaked grains)
Candi sugar (Home made)
Norwegian strawberries
Dutch strawberries

[B]Humle og krydder[/B]
Norwegian Wild hops (Hol community, Holsfjorden near Hagafoss to be exact)
Dutch Merkur
Dutch Spalt select

[B]Andre ingredienser[/B]

Regular single temperature mash

Gjærtype: Wild yeast from Hol
Gjærmengde: Not sure
Informasjon om gjæring:
Beer is fermented with wild yeast that is collected with open fermentation in the Hol community at the Øvre Hols part of the valley.

A very young bottled Geuze imitation which was hard to place in a category since it exist out of 3 Lambic style beers (one of them with Strawberries) just like traditional Geuze beers do. Brewed with old hops. ABV calculation is done by taking the known percentage of each beer in the blend and use it to calculate the final numbers. IBU was the same for each beer when brewed. Brewed only with Norwegian and Dutch ingredients.

[B]Informasjon om konkurranseølet[/B]
Brygget: 17. mai 2018
Flasket: 4. februar 2019
Filtrert: Nei
Karbonering: N