3,00 kg Lager Malt (3,9 EBC) 36,6 %
3,00 kg Wheat Malt, Bel (3,9 EBC) 36,6 %
0,50 kg Oats, Flaked (2,0 EBC) 6,1 %
0,50 kg Pale Chocolate Malt (625,0 EBC) 6,1 %
0,20 kg Black (Patent) Malt (1450,0 EBC) 2,4 %
0,20 kg Roasted Barley (1450,0 EBC) 2,4 %
0,50 kg Honey (2,0 EBC) 6,1 %
0,30 kg Candi Sugar, Dark (500,0 EBC) 3,7 %
30,00 g Northern Brewer [10,50 %] - Boil 60 min. 29,7 IBU's
25,00 g Columbus [12,90 %] - Boil 60 min. 30,5 IBU's
1,5 liter dark roasted Zoega coffee, added at 20 min. left of boil.
Mashed at 65 C for 60 minutes, no mash out. Sparged with 80 C water. No water adjustments.
WLP 007 - Dry English Ale Yeast
2 liter starter from 1 pack (378 billion yeast cells).
Fermented at 20 C for 3 weeks.